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Year subscription
Unlimited Chemical Supplier Searches
- Access to data from more than 500 companies and products 24/7.
- Direct contact with the company through telephone and email.
- Simple search criteria by company or chemical product (product name or CAS number)
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- Participation in informational and training days
- Access to restricted reports
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One time subscription
24 hour access
- Access to data from more than 500 companies and products 24/7.
- Direct contact with the company through telephone and email.
- Simple search criteria by company or chemical product (product name or CAS number)
- Customer Support
- Participation in informational and training days
- Access to restricted reports
- Newsletter
Multiple subscription
For businesses- Individual access for each employee of your company
- Contact us to specify conditions
Special subscription
General State Administration and Commercial and Economic Offices of Embassies- Individual access for each employee of your company
- Contact us to specify conditions