Brexit is scheduled to become a reality at midnight, 29 March 2019, CET. After a turbulent 18 months, in late 2017, EU27 leaders finally agreed that “sufficient progress” had been achieved in Brexit negotiations, leaving about 10 months to conclude discussions on a transition period and the framework for the future EU-UK relationship.

However, many questions remain:

  • What trade and customs rules might apply during the transition period?
  • What would a deep and comprehensive EU-UK Free Trade Agreement actually look like?
  • How should you be using this remaining time to effectively prepare for Brexit?
  • What role do end-to-end supply chain solutions come into play?

Presenter Arne Mielken – Senior Trade Specialist, has been a representative of trade associations before the European Commission. He is also closely involved in developing EU customs policy and trade legislation since 2005.

2018 will be a decisive year for EU-UK relations. Join us for the webinar on the 25th January 2018 at 2:00pm CET.


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